The 10 Weirdest Jobs in the World 

Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man -  If the fact that Florida has an underwater hotel isn't bizarre enough, to add on to that, they have a scuba diving pizza delivery man who takes them through the ocean in a waterproof pizza Is.

Smell Judge -  To test the effectiveness of new products, 'smell judges' are hired to smell the breath, feet, and armpits of volunteers. They ensure that their judgment is accurate, and staff members' sense of smell is tested monthly.

Dog Food Tester A dog food tester's job is to taste new dog food products including bones, canned meat, and biscuits. They do this to test the taste and texture in comparison to rival dog food brands and human food.

Snake Milker Not for the light-hearted. The snake milker's job is to collect the venom of venomous snakes into jars so that anti-venom and other drugs can be used.

professional mourners it is a tradition in Southeast Asia that a loud funeral rite will aid the dead as they journey to the afterlife, so professional mourners are required to cry and wail loudly throughout the service is hired.

Train Pusher If you think the London Underground is bad, you should check out the trains in Japan. 'Oshius' are hired to help cram as many people onto the train as possible by pushing them out until the doors close.

FULL-TIME NETFLIX WATCHER Netflix has hired someone to look through all of its content before it becomes available to the public, and its role is to review each program and give it the right tags, which helps viewers know what we actually see.

Drying paint watcher no, this is not a joke. Someone actually makes a living watching paint dry. A man in the UK currently has a job and spends his days on a painting sheet of cardboard testing how long it takes for a new paint mix to dry and watching the color and texture change.

Professional sleeper -  A hotel in Finland employed a member of staff as a 'professional sleeper' to test the comfort of their beds. The person sleeps in different hotel beds each night and writes a review about their satisfaction with each one.

Odor Tester -  Before releasing deodorants, perfumes, and other products to the market, companies need to ensure that the product produces the desired odor when applied. Therefore, companies often conduct tests where actual humans try the products and assess the smell. Out of this process comes another strange job, the smell tester!

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