10 Most Difficult Jobs In The World 

Military - All military positions have their challenges, but demanding positions like mercenary and marine are among the toughest in the world.

Healthcare worker - Your job will be challenging whether you’re a nurse, paramedic, doctor, anesthesiologist, or surgeon! Because every day is unique, you never know what to anticipate.

Oil rig worker - Long hours in a difficult and hostile environment are a requirement of this physically and mentally taxing job.

Alaskan crab fisherman - Crab fishing includes spending numerous hours in choppy waters looking for crabs, and is frequently referred to as the world’s most hazardous employment.

Cell tower climber - One of the most dangerous jobs in the world is tower climbing. Many risks are associated with this profession, according to Joe Poulin, a seasoned cell tower climber.

Iron and steel workers -  Most iron and steel workers form and cast iron members from the skeleton of a structure. Working with dangerous equipment and heavy objects all day is incredibly taxing on the body and psyche.

Firefighter - The duty of a firefighter is to defend the lives of bystanders in potentially deadly situations. Although the work is difficult, risky, and frequently highly stressful, it offers high levels of job satisfaction.

Roofers - In addition to their fear of falling, roofers also face inclement weather, which can range from scorching heat and potential heatstroke to ferocious winds and rain.

Logger - Loggers put on heavy equipment to aid in down big trees. While it might seem easy, it must be done in inclement weather, meaning in unpredictable how a tree will fall.

Search and rescue worker - A search and rescue team’s job might be very challenging. You need to be able to think quickly on your feet and pay close attention to detail in order to excel in this line of work.

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