University math vs. high school math

High School - Math classes meet every weekday, College - Most math classes meet only 3 – 4 hours per week

High School - A math course is one year (38 weeks) long College - A math course is one semester (16 weeks) long

High School - 15 – 30 minutes per night is expected for homework and studying College - A minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour inside of class is expected on homework and studying

High School - Some class time may be given to start on homework College - No class time is given to start on homework

High School - Homework is consistently graded or checked and homework counts toward the course grade, College - It is expected that homework will be completed, but it may or may not count as part of the course grade.

High School -Tests are given after each unit or chapter with many tests given during the course College - Only 3-4 tests are usually given in a course and the tests cover more than one unit or chapter per test

High School - A final exam is given after each half of the course College - One final exam is given covering material from the entire course and is weighted heavily in the course grade

High School -Participation and extra credit may be factored into a course grade College - Rarely or never is participation and extra credit factored into a course grade

High School -Attendance is mandatory and make-up work is provided College - Attendance is expected and make-up work may or may not be given

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