7 Strategies to Re-Engage Students After a Break 

Summer is filled with fresh air, road trips, and time with family and friends. All of which can make it difficult for students to focus and participants when they return to the classroom. 

Although there are many different strategies for engaging students, the following strategies are practical and allow students to redirect their attention in a positive direction. 

Re-establish routine -  Help your students by establishing a routine. This will introduce them to your expectations and schedule for the day or week. 

Share Stories -  Give them a chance to write or share a story from your summer. Such opportunities foster bonding among classmates as well as between students and teachers. 

Attendance Inquiry -  Ask them a different question every day while taking attendance. Simple questions may be best suited for busy days, while creative questions are good for in-class discussion and critical thinking. 

Change Your Location -  A change of scenery may be all the students need to start engaging with you and their schoolwork. Changing location also gives students the opportunity to participate in active learning. 

Scavenger Hunt -  Send your students on a scavenger hunt for people. Students can practice interviewing skills and learn more about their classmates. 

Practical examples -  One of the most valuable approaches you can take is to show students how they can use what they are learning outside of the classroom. 

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