How to Get Success in NEET 2023 

Make study assignments -  To prepare for an exam like NEET, you have to pay attention from the very beginning. First of all, you have to make proper study work. 

Pay special attention to Biology section -  Questions are asked from Physics, Chemistry and Biology section in the NEET exam. In which more marks are from Biology section. 

NCERT is important for preparation -  It is very important to prepare NCERT well for the preparation of theory subjects like Biology, Inorganic Chemistry, Modern Physics, etc. 

Revise Previous Question Papers -  Revision of previous question papers helps you to get the necessary and good practice for the NEET exam. 

Choose good study material -  There is no dearth of books in the market, but for competitive exams like NEET, students must be aware of good study material. 

Make notes yourself -  The best formula to prepare for the exam is to make notes yourself. When you read and make notes from your understanding, then you will go on making your preparation more firm. 

Revise daily -  Before starting the study the next day, revise the topics studied the day before once again. In this way you can do proper preparation. 

Take Mock Tests -  To strengthen your preparation, take your own mock tests by preparing papers on the basis of model papers. 

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