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10 Incredible Ways Technology Will Change Education By 2028 

VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS -  One of the most exciting blends of technology and education comes to us via the use of virtual reality headsets to take students on virtual field trips. No longer constrained by the laws of time and space, they could visit anywhere in the world and at any time period in history.

EASY ACCESS -  Due to technology, education has become accessible in various villages, towns, and cities. There are various modes such as the internet that help in improving academic outcomes. Numerous websites are associated with schools, colleges, and institutions that are somewhere helping students who are getting educated online.

GREATER SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING -  Today’s kids are used to taking responsibility for entertaining themselves, and so giving them the responsibility for teaching themselves can help to encourage students to buy into their own education.

COST-EFFECTIVENESS -  Getting enrolled with premium schools and colleges is sometimes not affordable for each and every one. Internet access and the online presence of education are available for different people at very affordable prices. Even companies provide online education certificates to students for attending virtual lectures from experienced professionals.

SMARTER ESSAY WRITING HELP -  From robotic virtual assistants to AI and machine learning-based essay writing help, future technology in education will change the way that students revise and complete assignments.

MORE OPPORTUNITIES -  As people are getting more opportunities through online business, education plays a vital role in building their careers. Access through mobiles, and laptops make it very convenient for all of us to reach education and to get enrolled in different types of courses that are not easily available in the market.

GAMIFICATION -  Adding gamification features is a surefire way to increase engagement, so why not use them in education? It’s a little bit like traditional house point systems like we’re familiar with from Harry Potter but specifically designed for our digital society. Badges, points, and leaderboards can incentivize students to be at their best.

AUTOMATION -  Technology can be used to automate administrative, process-driven roles. In the same field, there are talks of machines replacing humans for some jobs, yet I believe they will only improve consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness.

INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA -  Gone are the days of old textbooks with pages that are falling apart and graffiti from some long-gone student all over the cover. Students are already used to using interactive multimedia, but the phenomenon will only continue as new devices and new technologies such as 3D video change the way that we interact with our learning materials.

NEW TYPES OF LESSONS -  Don’t be surprised if we see programming languages being given the same weight as foreign languages in school curricula. At the same time, lessons will change from being about information retrieval and focus on understanding theories and being able to apply them in practical use cases.

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