Law Entrance Mock Test Strategy for CLAT preparation 


Plan in advance -  “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Planning plays a very important role when it comes to attempting mock tests. You should plan in advance before attempting the CLAT mock test as to which section you will attempt at the beginning and which section you will attempt at the end. 

Identify frequently asked questions -  After attempting every single mock try to identify the most important topics from which questions are being frequently asked and if you are unable to solve those questions prepare them well list out the topics and ace them. 

Be Regular with mock tests -  Take the tests at the same time during the day as per your actual Law Entrance i.e. between 2 pm and 4 pm. Don’t pause the tests in between if you start feeling tired or for any other reason. Take the mocks in one sitting. Actual Law Entrance does not allow you to take the exam at multiple sittings. 

Identify weak areas -  The purpose of attempting mock tests is to identify the gray areas or the areas in which we are not able to score well. Try to identify those areas and then practice that particular area or section well. 

Analyzing and reviewing your tests is more important than taking the test itself -  Once you are done with a test, take a break and get down to analyzing each question. If you are stuck on a question, ask your faculty. They will help you. 

Try out different strategies for every mock -  Try altering your sectional attempts in every mock and track your scores. Remember GK is the make-or-break section in the CLAT along with math. GK – you either know it or you don’t, so the entire 50 questions cohort should NOT take more than 5 – 7 minutes. 

Identify your attempt order -  You should always identify the attempt order that suits you the best rather than copying someone else because only you know your strengths and weaknesses.  

Try to increase your speed and accuracy -  There might be some questions that you attempted wrong and there might be some questions that you knew but could not attempt. To solve this problem you should increase your reading speed by solving sectional tests. 

Do not attempt time-consuming questions first -  This will waste your time unnecessarily and you will in the end lose marks in the sections which are easy and quick to solve. So always attempt and easy and the short ones first then move on to the lengthy ones as each question carries equal marks. 


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