How to start preparation for placements?

Skill Assessment test  Skill assessment is usually an aptitude-based test that helps in determining the reasoning & analytical quotient of a candidate. This test usually consists of multiple-choice aptitude-based questions which need to be solved with a pen on paper. Skill assessment tests usually consist of a few sections such as communication skills, logical reasoning, quantitative ability & knowledge about your field.

Be clear  What is the topic, how to present it & the structure of your argument should be clear in your head before you start the discussion. Think rationally before starting the discussion & always adopt a solution-based approach rather than constantly talking about only the problem with no solutions.

Sharpen Your Communication Skills   One of the most important aspects of a group discussion has to be communication skills. To have an edge over the rest of the candidates, it’s paramount that your communication skills are well polished. The best way to sharpen one's communication skills is by reading or speaking consistently. Gather a group of friends around & practice for your group discussion ahead.

Take Charge  Being relevant and being seen are two completely different things. It is up to each candidate to command the discussion right from the start while remaining relevant at all times. Take cues from what other candidates are talking about and add on wherever you find it appropriate. Be quick to respond, but in a more professional manner, while respecting everyone's point of view.

Panel Interview Round  A panel interview is a round in which a potential candidate is interviewed face-to-face by a panel of professional hiring managers. It is more professional than Aptitude or Group Discussion round. This is the first time a candidate has had a face-to-face interaction with professionals from a company. This round determines whether the candidate's application should be taken forward or not. Hence the importance of this circumambulation is very high.

Gain Confidence  Confidence is a must-have trait when it comes to a panel interview round. Practice for a panel interview by asking friends or family to take your interview. SK for feedback once an interview is over & work on it to get better.

Clarity of thought   Be clear in your mind about all the common questions that are usually asked during the interview. Some of these questions could be: Take us through your profile, why do you want to join our company, where you see yourself 5 years from now, etc.

 Research well  Before appearing for a panel interview, make sure you have researched well about the company, the position they are offering, the values of the firm & so on.

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