10 Do’s & Don’ts to Score Maximum in Class 10 Social Science 

Do's -

Preparing notes in the form of bullet points -  This will help create a flow while writing long answers and remembering the key points.

Make separate diary -  Students should keep a note of all the important dates, names, places, and people in a separate diary and keep on revising the first thing in the morning.

Map work must be practiced by hand -  Note down the syllabus of the map work and practice it at least once every week

Brief notes should be prepared for every chapter -  This will help you understand the important aspects of every topic and facilitate recalling of information while writing the answer.


Don’t try to memorize everything -  Don't try to memorize everything. Understanding the content will help you remember the details better.

Don't cross the word limit -  Writing as per the word limit while keeping the time in mind, will help students give proper attention to all questions.

Not to overlook any details in the book -  Make sure not to overlook any details in the book. Every sentence must be read carefully.

Don't skip map-based questions -  Students often skip map-based questions, which carry two marks, but these are sure shot marks that can be stored easily.

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