Top 8 Extracurricular Activities for College Applications  

Leadership Activities -  Leadership activities are some of the most important ones to put on your college application. 

Internships -  Internships are a great way to show colleges that you have already gained some experience in your chosen field. 

Athletic Participation -  Participating in sports shows colleges that you have a strong sense of commitment and that you are willing to work hard to achieve your goals. 

Work Experience -  Work experience might seem more like something you would put on a job resume rather than a college application. 

Academic Teams and Clubs -  The best extracurriculars for college grades include clubs or teams you have been part of in high school. 

Creative Pursuits -  While it’s important to include extracurricular activities that are related to your chosen field or area of academic interest, colleges also want to see that you’re well-rounded and have a wide range of interests. 

Technological Skills -  Technological skills are another important extracurricular activity to include in your college application. 

Political Activism -  Being politically active can help you gain attention from college admissions departments when you include this information on your application. 

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