Fastest Way To Cover Syllabus in Less Time.  

Review the knowledge periodically, rather than cramming -  Periodic review is important if you would like to maneuver information from your STM to your LTM . this may assist you to recover exam grades.

Write down your worries -  These are the types of thoughts that probably run through your mind before taking a test. But if these thoughts run wild, the accompanying anxiety can affect your grades.

Simplify, summarize and summarize knowledge –  You will summarize knowledge in a comparison table, diagram or mind map. These tools will assist you to learn the knowledge very quickly.

Read key information aloud -  When you read information aloud, you can both see and hear it. On the other hand, when you read the news silently, you notice it easily. So read the key information out loud.

Focus on the Method, Not the Result— Students Who Succeed in School and College. Consider learning a knowledge, don't try to insist on a particular grade.

Get at least eight hours of sleep in the evening, and don't pull all-nighters -  learning the most difficult material right before you go to bed makes it easier to remember the next day. So whenever possible, arrange your schedule in such a way that you study the most difficult topics just before sleeping.

Reward yourself at the top of each study session -  Before starting a study session, set a chosen reward for completing the session. By doing so, you will promote memory formation and learning.

Take regular study breaks -  Taking regular study breaks increases overall productivity and improves focus. So locking yourself in your room for 6 straight hours to revise for an exam is not a good idea.

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