Use only main NCERT Textbooks - When you have only one month left for the Class 12th board exams, you need to narrow down your study material. Read from only the Class 12 NCERT books. Don’t use other different refreshers and notes because you have limited time.
Avoid Distractions - Mobile phones, social media, television, and such things can break your focus from your studies, so avoid these things while you are preparing for the exams.
Plan your Studies - Before starting preparation, you must have a detailed timetable that covers all the subjects and your revisions.
Solve CBSE Sample Paper - Instead of using random sample papers available online, use CBSE Sample papers and previous year question papers for practice.
Revise - Check your mistakes in the mock tests and cover them during revisions. Use self-made notes for revision if possible.
Practice writing a High-Scoring answer - Give attention to your answer presentation and try to improve it. Refer to the answer copies of toppers to see their answers’ presentation style.
Stay Healthy - Take proper care of your health because over-exerting yourself can deteriorate your health. You will end up wasting a few days being sick and recovering instead of utilizing time.
Stay Focused while Studying - Make the best utilization of your study time by improving your concentration. Quality matters more than quantity applies here as well.