How To Prepare For Competitive Exams With School?

Joining courses to prepare  There are various institutes that offer courses for competitive exam preparation after school hours. This way, students can attend both school and competitive exam classes. However, managing the studies for both can be a little tiresome in the beginning. 

Courses in Day School Another way of getting enrolled in a competitive exam course is along with the school. There are many schools who have a tie up with coachings who teach students within the school campus. 

Preparation in Boarding School Boarding Schools are known to provide students with the best environment for holistic development. Boarding schools can serve as the right place to prepare for competitive exams with self preparation as well as if the student is preparing by taking a preparation course.

Solve Mock Test Paper - Solve as much mock test paper you can solve in a day. If you are well-versed with all concepts then you will score good marks in the mock test. 

Correlate the topic - There is always a relation of topics between board exams and competitive exams. Hence, what similar topics will be asked in both, prepare them first. 

Finish off the entire syllabus - If time allows, finish off the entire syllabus and get yourself completely ready for the exams. If you go to the examination hall knowing that you’ve revised everything well, you’ll be in a better mindset to attempt the exam. 

Stay calm and stress-free - Always staying in tension will not give you the desired outcome. Always be cool-minded and do not worry about ifs and buts. Just stay confident in what you have prepared and be positive. One exam does not decide your destiny. 

Pick a challenging topic from the remaining syllabus - By now, if you revised everything well, you must have revised almost 90 percent of the syllabus. But there is a chance that some topics were too hard to revise with the other topics. 

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