Things You Should Know Before Choosing Right Stream After Class 10
Not Doing Proper Research:career options are not the same as before. Nowadays, there are plenty of career options and by not doing proper research, you are lacking that helpful piece of information. Before choosing the right stream for Class 10, do proper research and know your options.
Ignoring Your Interests: Choosing the stream without taking your interests into account is a big mistake. You should always keep your interests in mind and then choose the stream.
Peer pressureWhat your peers/friends are choosing and think you should too. But you should never fall into the trap of peer pressure, as it will result in choosing the wrong stream. Just because all your friends are pursuing the medical stream, doesn't mean you can't opt for humanities.
Follow the dreams of your parents If you are trying to follow the dreams of your parents blindly, it is a big mistake and in most cases, kids do this. Children do not realize that they have dreams of their own and feel obligated to follow the dreams of their parents. Even though parents want the best for their children, they cannot impose their choices on them.
Family Pressure You should know how family pressure can cultivate children’s learning habits and affect their academic performance. They should stop expecting a lot of things from the children and let them choose their own paths and career.
Humanities If you are opting for the Humanities stream, you should know the stream is related to education in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, languages, Anthropology, Human Resources, journalism, etc.
Vocational This stream is not offered by schools, but are professional courses such as Fashion Designing, Nursing, and more. If you are choosing Commerce as your stream after Class 10, you have to learn about subjects related to trade, business, finance, and economics.