The Importance of English in the UPSC Exam

Error-free writing   mistakes should be reduced to the best possible extent. Your answers in the main examination should not contain grammatical or punctuation errors. You are at least a graduate and your writing should reflect that. 

What constitutes ‘good’ language? There are three aspects of ‘good’ language. ‘Good’ is a relative term but the idea is to convey the features of language that will help you develop this skill.

Start talking in the English Language with your Circle It is very important that candidates begin to talk with other people in the English language, so as to improve their spoken language skills, and thereby slowly improve their vocabulary too. One way of talking more in the English language is to make like-minded friends and start interacting with them in the English language either in person or over the phone/video call.

Reading the Newspapers Daily (Especially the Editorial Section) As knowledge of current national and international events is one of the pre-requisites for the UPSC IAS Exam, so the candidates must choose an English Newspaper like ‘The Hindu’ or ‘The Indian Express’ to enhance their English language skills.

Start to Learn 20-30 New Words in English Daily Candidates are advised to learn 20-30 English words daily so as to improve their English language skills. or this, the candidates can take help from various sources like Newspapers, Mobile Applications, Online Videos, etc. Once the candidates get to know a new English word, they must keep a tab of the same either in a separate notebook or a digital platform.

Start listening to Music in the English language Candidates can listen to some quality English music to understand conversational skills in the English language. For this, platforms like YouTube and apps like ‘Saavn’ can be used.

Use all the Apps on your Mobile Phone in English language only The candidates must use all social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. only in the English language. Also, the mobile settings must be in English Language only as it will force the candidates to interact with their devices in English, thereby improving their level of understanding.

Start to think about various topics/aspects of the English language Whenever you are reading a particular static or current affairs topic, try to analyze that topic in multiple dimensions in your brain in the English language. This will help you in two ways. Firstly, it will improve your English language skills as you will have to think of different words and grammatical structures to think about a particular topic.

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