10 Top Tips for Learning English at Home

Surround yourself with English You don’t need to be in an English-speaking country to surround yourself with English. Find ways to make English part of your everyday life at home, like writing your shopping list etc.

Make English friend Even if you don’t live in an English-speaking country, there are probably many foreigners living nearby. Find ways to meet native English-speaker.

Find study partner You don’t need native speakers to practice your English. Find a study partner, or form an English club and meet regularly to speak English. You can motivate each other, and you will learn by helping others with their problems.

Use authentic material Just reading English in textbooks can get boring. Try reading English texts written for and by native speakers. It will be a challenge at first but a lot more interesting once you can do it.

Get online Get online and you can be in contact with people from all over the world. Join chat rooms or forums, take an online English course, or find a penpal to practice your English while learning about different cultures.

Set yourself realistic goal Give yourself a reason for studying: do you want to get a promotion, be able to talk to your foreign colleagues, study abroad, or spend your next holiday in an English-speaking country

Listen to real English Train your ear by listening to English spoken at normal speed, even if you don’t understand everything.

Find fun ways to learn new word If you like singing, then look up the words for your favorite English songs. Or if you remember what you see, write new words on ‘Post-it’ notes and stick them up around your house.

Learn about the culture Find out about the people and the culture of English-speaking countries. Learning a language is not just about grammar and vocabulary

Have fun! Learning a language does take work, but you’ll be more likely to stick to it if you are enjoying yourself.

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