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Know what to study -  Always stick to your textbook for the syllabus. You should be aware of the chapters that comprise your syllabus and ensure that you are well-versed in them. Know the weightage of each unit of the syllabus. Devote more time to those units which carry more marks. 

Get your basics right -  Start with the basics. Make a stronghold over the fundamental concepts and be thorough with the theory portion. Unless you are thorough with the theory, you may find it difficult to attempt the questions and problems. 

Check the formulae and derivations -  Instead of mugging up the formulae and derivations, aim for seeking conceptual clarity. Try to understand the pattern of derivations and practice questions based on them. This will help you register them in your mind for a longer time. 

Look beyond numerical -  Physics is not just about numerical, unlike mathematics. There are plenty of theoretical chapters which hold major weightage too. Prepare them wisely if numerical stress you. 

Focus on the theoretical portions properly -  Topics such as Communication, Electromagnetic waves dual nature of radiation and matter, atoms, Nuclei, and Wave optics are completely theoretical and can fetch marks if studied well. 

Don’t overlook graphical questions -  The Physics paper has a mandatory drawing question either of a graph or a device. Students should not overlook the key features of the diagram to score full marks on this question. This is a useful tip, especially for those who dread numericals. 

Make your own notes -  Prepare your notes. Whatever you study, jot down in your own language. If you understand things and write them in your handwriting, your mind will retain them for quite a long. 

Look and learn -  Prepare visual cues for difficult topics and place them across your place of study. Make flashcards, draw diagrams and stick them on a wall, and stick graphs near your bed or anywhere you are likely to see them multiple times. 

Revise and practice -  Everything you have learned or studied over the past year ultimately boils down to efficient revision and time-bound practice. Each time you revise a chapter, your chances of understanding and retaining it increases manifold. 

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