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6 Time Management Tips to Help You Prepare for the NEET Exam 

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Prioritize Your Tasks

First and foremost be well informed about the NEET UG 2021: Exam Pattern, Exam Duration, Syllabus, and Important Dates.  Once you’re well aware of it, set aside chapters that carry the highest weightage and make these your topmost priority.

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Set Realistic Goals

 Your goals should be feasible to complete within the allotted time. Do not make unrealistic goals that will only mess up your NEET exam schedule and will disappoint you. However, building realistic goals and achieving them will help to keep you motivated.

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Make A Check List

Write down your daily tasks in form of a checklist and in it mention every task that you plan to do that day. Apart from your study, make sure to keep some time to relax which will refresh and rejuvenate you and keep you from being oversaturated.

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Bid Adieu To Distractions

Cracking the NEET exam requires hard work, determination coupled with smart work. So, to crack the exam you need to be focused only on your goals and let go of anything that may be a potential distraction and might hinder you in your preparation.

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Stay Healthy

Do not neglect your health. Yes, preparing for the NEET exam is quite stressful but make sure to get enough sleep. Do not deprive yourself of sleep as it will only make it difficult for you to concentrate the next day. Keep your mind, body, and soul well-rested.

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Keep Extra Time 

Take proper rest and keep some extra time in your study schedule for breaks and unforeseen circumstances. Be a little flexible with your schedule, knowing that you may have to make certain adjustments during your preparation. So be prepared for this from the very beginning.

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The most important step before you begin your preparation is to create a time management plan. Divide your lessons and subjects according to your difficulty levels and create a daily schedule. Half the battle is won when you have the strategy in place. The next half is all about sticking to the schedule.

Create a Schedule and Stick to it:

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Taking regular breaks keeps your mind fresh for the next concept and reduces stress. Trying to squeeze in too much information can result in a headache or worse: you forget important information later. To avoid the latter, keep revising and re-revising, and don't forget to rest in between.

Take regular breaks and find ways to relax between study sessions:-

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Some of the best concepts are often taught in the classroom. Keep checking and revising your NEET notes regularly, and if you are studying in a group, update your friends with new or additional information that you may find.

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