10 Great tips for those studying a foreign language 

Why learn a new language? -  Learning a new language can be rewarding on many levels, both personally and professionally. Although it can sometimes seem like a daunting undertaking, there are plenty of reasons to do so.

The potential benefits that come when you learn a new language -  There have been many studies that examine how we process language learning in our brains. It’s a fascinating subject area, with some surprising findings.

Set your language goals -  Setting goals brings all kinds of benefits when it comes to learning. It can help with things like motivation, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Goals also help you achieve success.

Learn common vocabulary -  When you’re wrestling with how to learn a language, a useful place to start is by learning some common vocabulary. This can help to quickly build your understanding in a day-to-day setting, allowing you to have and follow basic conversations.

Find a style that works for you -  There are many different tools, techniques, and styles you can use when you’re learning a language. You should try a few and select the one(s) that work best for your learning style.

Practice speaking -  A crucial part of learning a language is being able to recognize, understand and reproduce sound. However, this can result in a reluctance to practice speaking, which can delay your progress.

Connect with a native speaker -  Communicating with new people in your target language is often intimidating. You might be scared to make mistakes or feel that your current level isn't good enough.

Consume media -  To get familiar with the different ways in which people use your target language, you might want to consider watching, reading, and listening to as much media in that language as possible.

Engage with the culture -  Tips six and seven are somewhat related. Understanding the culture(s) that use the language you’re learning is often an integral part of the learning process.

Make travel plans -  Although times may be uncertain for travel right now, it won’t always be the case. The best way to put your newly found language skills to the test is to visit some of the places where the language is used

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