Timing Prep and Testing to Maximize Results

Don't delay Don't cram -  According to UCLA psychiatry professor Andrew Fuligny, the biggest problem with cramming is that cramming causes students to sacrifice sleep time for study. Although it is not possible to do well in an exam without the necessary knowledge, sleep is vital to academic success. 

Plan your study time -  It is important to set a regular time for study to get high test performance.  We recommend creating a term calendar, weekly schedule, and daily schedule that includes regular study sessions. 

Watch for Clues -  Almost every teacher has a methodology for preparing test questions – and they tend to use the same methodology each time they prepare a test. Watch for clues your teacher might provide about possible test questions and formats.  

Ask Your Teacher for Directions -  Ask your teacher directly about the best way to study for the exam. Many teachers are open to sharing tips, even secrets, with students on how to best prepare for their exams.  

Arrive Early on Test Day -  The more you can glean before a test the better off you'll be. I still remember showing up for class early on the day of my AP History exam in high school.  

Review Early. Review With a Group -  Start a final review of all lecture notes, reading assignments, and other class materials that will help you prepare, a couple of days before the test. You can do this review by yourself or as part of a study group. 

Prepare an Outline -  Prepare an outline of the main topics and concepts that will be covered during an exam, then use this sheet to study. This will help you memorize key facts and other information you will be tested on. 

Use Visual Aids - Visual aids, including charts, diagrams, and graphs are great study helps –  especially if you're a visual learner. Organizing information into diagrams and charts helps to condense and simplify information and improves recall at test time. 

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