Tips For A Successful College Career 

Know your goals and values -  Acknowledging your goals can be one way to visualize your version of success. Recognizing what it is that you are trying to achieve by pursuing an education can help illuminate your values, and you can use those values to motivate yourself as you work toward your idea of success.

Turn long-term goals into short-term plans.  You can start turning your vision into an action plan. Action plans break down large goals into smaller, bite-sized achievements. It helps make those big goals feel more accessible and gives you the opportunity to check in with yourself along the way.

Go to class and attend office hours. In terms of academic success, showing up in class and during office hours can affect your overall success in many ways. First, the classroom is often the primary place of learning.

Build skills relevant to your coursework -  As you work toward your degree, you may notice certain types of assignments coming up repeatedly. An English major may have to write a lot of essays, while a chemistry major may work through countless lab reports, and a math major may take sit-down exams that require memorizing complex equations.

Assess your learning style -  Study habits that suit your learning style can help build confidence in your ability to succeed academically. To help you understand when you work best, think about a test or a paper you did well.

Try new things -  Academic success isn’t the only measure of success in college. You might want to use your time in school to learn something entirely new or pick up skills that aren’t fully explored in your other coursework.

Maintain a social balance. -  Along with academics and experiences, one more way you might measure success in college is according to your social life. One benefit of college is that you are surrounded by similarly-minded people, who likely have some similar goals, even if their values and motivations are slightly different.

Manage your time with intention -  Time management is a daily practice. When it comes to achieving success, use your goals to guide the way you manage your time by prioritizing the tasks that will keep you on your desired path.

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