The Benefits of Starting Exam Revision Early 

The Benefits of Starting Revision Early -  Not only are students generally less stressed and more prepared, but their exam grades are usually so much better than first expected. 

Time To Grasp Concepts -  Starting early allows you time to really learn the material and understand it rather than just memorizing information for the sake of the exam. 

Improved Grades -  When you start putting the time aside to revise topics and study well in advance of exams, you’re starting to put more effort into school too. 

Less Stress -  Not only will cracking on with revision early mean much less stress and anxiety the week before the big day but will also mean you head into your exams calm and with a clear state of mind. 

Use Different Revision Techniques -  Having time on your side means that you can explore a whole host of different revision techniques rather than just sticking to one that might not be working out so well. 

There’s No Need To Rush -  Studying for exams early means that you get to take your time with revision and avoid last-minute cramming or rushing through topics. 

There’s Time To Identify Weaker Subjects -  Getting on with your revision in advance means that you can allocate the same amount of time to each subject, instead of leaning toward favorite topics and avoiding the trickiest. 

Practice Past Exam Papers -  Practice doesn’t make perfect, but it can certainly help when it comes to being prepared. The earlier you start revising, the more time you’ll have to complete practice papers from previous years and get used to the format. 

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