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10 Avoidable College Student Mistakes That Can Set You Back 

Part of Non-Ambitious Friend Circle -  Becoming part of a non-ambitious all-time chill friends circle is the major mistake student does when entering a college campus and getting influenced by the materialist and glittery environment.

Alcohol and Drug are the New Cool – NO! -  Alcohol and drugs usages are the single biggest factor behind the life and career spoilage of the youth, especially first-year college students.

Concept Memorization without Understanding -  Concept memorization without understanding the exact meaning of it is the biggest issue each students should avoid. The basic cause of this problem is exploring the syllabus, books, and notes only during exam times.

Less Attendance More Trips -  A carefree and liberated college campus environment after the strict and monotonous years of schooling attracts most of the students to explore the outer world with a group of friends even at the cost of classes.

Uncontrollable Expenses -  Poor financial management, unjust commitments, and showing off behavior among fellow mates lead to uncontrollable expenses and a debt trap for most college students.

Not interested in Mentorship -  Not being interested in mentorship from seniors, faculty and others delay growth and development. Students should always be open to feedback, guidance, and mentorship from the seniors and faculty.

Not Open for New Skill Development -  College students should always be open to learning new skills which include both technical and soft skills. College years are the best time to invest in oneself for better returns in the future.

Poor Time Management - Procrastination is one of the common issues each student needs to work on. It leads to poor time management and lower confidence and also hampers productivity and results.

Ignore Family and Faculty Feedback -  Blind faith in the immature and non-experienced suggestions of fellow classmates sometimes causes blunders which we should always avoid.

No Future Career Plan -  A careless attitude and ignorant mindset toward personal and professional life events result in not having any idea about the future and no career plan. It is a major issue a lot of students in college deal with.

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