8 Strategical Tips to Become a Good Reader 

Identifying the aim of reading -  The reader should be clear about what he wants to obtain from reading the text.


Knowing the background information -  Background information on the topic to be read helps the reader anticipate the contents of the reading materials and select appropriate reading strategies.

Man Reading

Selecting and using the reading strategy -  The reader should select the reading strategies and use them flexibly and interchangeably.

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Selecting the relevant text -  The reader should focus on those parts of the text relevant to the identified aim and overlook the rest.

Open Hands

Noting down the important points -  The reader should note down the important points, quotations, or lines that the reader thinks are useful. These notes may come to help while studying the subject later.

Understanding the writer -  When we read fiction, we should understand the writer’s writing style of language, emotion, and words used by the writer.

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Concentration -  The readers should always concentrate their minds on the text and read them with the fullest concentration. Every line of the text may provide the reader with at least a new message.

Checking the comprehension -  The readers should check their understanding while reading and when the reading is completed. Monitoring comprehension helps the readers to detect inconsistencies and comprehension failures.

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