How to Handle the Transition from High School to College 

Identify Mentors -  Find mentors who can serve as a strong support system and help you during your college years by providing you with advice and suggestions. 

Take Time for Yourself -  Practice self-care by identifying what activities help you feel your best, knowing when to say no, putting aside time to rest, and surrounding yourself with great people. 

Adjust Your Expectations -  Try to give yourself some time to adjust your expectations if things are not working out as planned. 

Get the Help You Need -  Many students are reluctant to ask for help. Take advantage of office hours, free tutoring, editing, and study-skills workshop. 

Study Strategies -  Start out by using a couple of minutes to set a goal and decide what you want to accomplish during the study session. 

Enjoy the College Experience -  If you are not sure about what you want to study—this is a perfect opportunity to either explore or confirm your academic area of interest. 

Reading Strategy -  Read to only answer the question—making reading an active search for the answer, instead of a passive scan for information. 

Study Outside of Class -  Come to class on time and prepared. Stay on top of all assignments. Study for your exams in advance by reading your notes before and after class. 

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