10 Study Tips to Get You Through Finals 

Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate -  No guide on studying for finals in college would be complete without a quick mention concerning procrastination.

Get Plenty of Sleep -  The need for sleep underscores the importance of avoiding procrastination. If you wait until the last minute to begin studying, you may panic and choose to ditch sleep in favor of cramming.

Create a Study-Oriented Space -  Environment matters. You might find it difficult to focus if your space is cluttered or chock full of distracting devices. If possible, set up a nook exclusively dedicated to studying.

Level Up Your Playlist -  Music places students in a heightened emotional state that makes them far more receptive to information than they would be under ordinary circumstances.

Organize and Review -  To test your understanding in the real world, run it by someone else. How effective was your explanation? What questions did they ask? What parts did they get confused about?

Teach it to yourself or someone else -  Write everything you know about a topic out as if you were explaining it to yourself. Alternately, actually, teach it to someone else.

Simplify your explanation and creative analogies -  Streamline your notes and explanation, further clarifying the topic until it seems obvious. Additionally, think of analogies that feel intuitive.

Key steps to the Feynman Technique -

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