8 ways to make remote learning effective 

Technology as a tool to bring joy to the process of learning -  Technology can also be used to drive self-exploration and creative expression among students which will also ensure deeper learning.

Bring lessons to life -  It is easy to be enticed with a pragmatic way of learning. Students tend to remember 90% of what they do when they simulate, model, or experience a lesson.

Collaborative pedagogy -  This emphasizes learners working together in a group, making learning collaborative and interesting.

Connecting beyond the virtual world -  During these uncertain times when learners are coping to learn via the digital medium, it becomes imperative to closely monitor their emotional well-being.

Get students into the habit of participating -  According to the New York Times, some teachers are reporting that fewer than half of their students are regularly participating in remote learning.

Keep it simple -  Simple, clear direction and expectations are always important, but never more so than in a situation where teachers can’t easily gauge when students are confused.

Focus on content, not comprehension skills - Focusing on topics in social studies and science—and spending at least a couple of weeks on a topic—is much more likely to build the knowledge and vocabulary that are vital to comprehension.

Make online learning as interactive as possible -  Ideally, teachers will not only ask questions but hear or see answers—and if they’re wrong, either provide students with the right answer or guide them to figure it out.

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