What To Do When You’re On A Waitlist 

Get a sense of your chances of admission -  Contact the admission office to find out if the college ranks waitlisted students or if it has a priority list. 

Write a letter to the admission office -  Emphasize your strong desire to attend the college and make a case for why you're a good fit. You can tell them that you'll enroll if they accept you. 

Study hard - This is no time to slack off. If you're waitlisted, you may be evaluated based on your third- and fourth-quarter grades. 

Review Your Options -  Even if this college is your dream school, you likely received acceptance letters from other colleges. 

Request another (or a first) interview -  You can also enlist the help of your high school counselor or someone you know who graduated from that college. 

Accept (or Decline) The Spot on the Waitlist -  Waitlisted students can accept or reject the offer presented by the college. However, don’t take up a spot on the list if you’re not planning on attending the school anymore. 

Reconsider the colleges that accepted you -  If you would be just as happy at one of your other choices, send in a deposit and plan to attend that college. 

Politely Contact the Admissions Department -  Waitlisted students are more than welcome to contact the admissions department to plead their case – but politely. This could be the extra bump you need to get that acceptance letter. 

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