10 effective ways to speed your reading speed

Word by Word: -  Word by WordSince our childhood, we are taught to read each word and pay attention to it. I do not say that this is a wrong habit, but not suitable for the time when you need to focus on concepts.

Oversee your Reading Pile: -  BooksMost of us are referring to many books while preparing for JEE or any entrance exams. We collect many books, notes or study materials for our reference; and waste time in understanding which to refer when and how.

Focus on Key Points -  Each chapter or topic will have certain main keywords or key concepts that you would need to study or by-heart. So whenever you come across these topics or key points, study only those areas of paragraph that covers these topics.

Reading Aloud -  Reading AloudReading Aloud while studying is one of the habits that we have been taught since our childhood. There is no doubt about the fact that this habit is very good when it comes to studying.

Eye Movement -  Eye MovementTry to read with your eyes. Relax your gaze and try reading four or five words at a time. Our eyes and brain both can focus on more than one word at a time.

Eradicate Regression -  RegressionWhen I say that try eradicating regression; I mean that try and stop the habit of reading the same lines over and over again. Whether you read the same line again and again intentionally or unintentionally

Avoid Distractions -  DistractionsWhenever you are trying to read, do it in a peaceful and quite environment. Most of the students are not able to concentrate while reading or read slowly; as they try to read in an inappropriate environment.

Skip what you know -  Skip what you knowIf, while preparing for exams you come across any topic that you already know; then skip it. This is suggested as reading the information or text which you already know will not add any additional value to your understanding.

Know when to stop reading -  stop readingIt is important to know the boundaries of reading faster and trying to slow down when something is not understood. It is okay to slow down and re-read the line or the concept that is not understood.

READ First and Last Sentences -  READ First and Last SentencesThe last tip or a practical advice would be to read the first and the last lines of the paragraphs first. You will be amazed to see how much information can be extracted by reading only these two lines.

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