8 Things to Do The Week Before The ACT 


Accept Where You Are With ACT Prep -  Instead, use your time to get a sense of what to expect on test day and leverage what you already know to achieve your highest possible score at the moment. 

Exercise At Least 30 Minutes A Day -  It doesn’t need to be lengthy and it doesn’t need to be intense, just give yourself some dedicated break time to get energy moving through your body and fresh blood pumping to your brain. 

Add An Extra Helping Of Veggies Or Fruit To Each Of Your Meals This Week -  In a study done by the Harvard School of Public Health, superfoods - especially those with antioxidant properties - are likely best consumed whole and not through supplements. 

Go To Bed Earlier Than Usual The Days Leading Up To The ACT -  Try to adjust your bedtime to a slightly earlier time this week so that you won’t have trouble falling asleep the night before the exam. 

On Friday, Collect All Of The Items You'll Need In One Place - The last thing you need the morning of your exam is to realize your printer has run out of ink and you can’t print your admission ticket.  

Wake Up 30 Minutes Early On Test Day -  Your ACT test date is not the day to oversleep and give yourself extra stress by rushing out the door, wondering if you’re going to make it. 

Eat A Good Breakfast The Morning Of The ACT -  Your brain is an organ. It needs food to maintain focus, especially in high-pressure scenarios. And the ACT is a lot like a marathon. You wouldn’t run 26.2 miles without any sustenance and expect to do well. 

Breathe. You’ve got this -  No matter how you prepared or didn’t, you’re going to take the ACT. Take a deep breath and trust yourself to deliver the very best score you’re capable of on that particular test date. 


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