8 ACT Test-Taking Strategies for Success 

Don't cram -  The ACT tests you on the knowledge you've accumulated over the course of your high school career, so there's no point in cramming. The day before the test, relax, go watch a movie and then get a good night's sleep.

Familiarize yourself with the test -  Become familiar with the structure of the ACT before test day. During your test prep, learn and review the directions for each of the sections on the test.

Answer easy questions first -  Answer the questions you're sure you know the correct answer to first. Put a mark in your exam booklet next to each question you skip so you can quickly find them later.

Write in your book -  Your ACT test booklet is yours. After the test, it will simply be thrown away. Write in it, cross out wrong answers and use it to do scratch work.

Don't write on your answer sheet -  Make sure that your answer sheet is free from any stray marks. Follow the directions given carefully as you mark correct answers on your answer sheet.

There is only one correct  answer -  On the ACT, there is only one correct answer to each question. Even if it appears as if there are two correct answers, you can only choose one answer – so select the best answer to each question.

Read each question carefully -  Never assume you know what a question is asking until you've read it in its entirety. Read the words to each question carefully.

Don't change your answers -  Don't change your answers unless you're sure you made a mistake. More often than not your first answer will be the correct answer.

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