Mistakes to avoid while preparing for Competitive Exams 

Continually spending a lot of time studying -  Students start studying continuously for 5–6 hours per day as the board exams get closer. Contrary to popular belief, prolonged study sessions do not help students focus.

Directly jumping to extra resources and guides - The ability to answer various types of questions and gain additional knowledge can both be increased by practicing from study guides.

Excessive reliance on  educators -  Many students assume that as long as they attend the review sessions led by teachers and study the material from the study guides teachers give them, they will perform well on the exam.

Not starting preparation on time -  Many students wait until there are just a few weeks before the exams to begin studying. Absolutely forbidden. It is better to get started early because board exam preparation frequently takes longer than you anticipate.

Mugging up at the last  minute -  There is a lot of confusion while writing the exam when picking up at the last minute. You can avoid that confusion by not leaving anything until the last minute.

Studying without a proper plan and strategy -  If a student does not know the grades required for a successful career, the study materials that should be used, or how to study effectively, there is a good chance that he or she will be unprepared for the exam.

Avoiding mock tests and practice papers -  Thus far, so good. However, taking practice tests before competitive exams is crucial. Only this will enable them to identify their strong points and areas for improvement, as well as prepare them for the exam.

Only studying hard and not smart -  Knowing which mock tests are the best is necessary; solving papers is not enough. Furthermore, one needs to be aware of the exam’s most important subject matters.

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