Tips to Crack XAT Decision Making Section 

What is XAT Decision Making? -  The Decision-Making section of XAT is somewhat similar to Reading Comprehension. Questions are often based on long passages pertaining to business and ethical decision making.

Reading Comprehension -  One needs to develop reading comprehension along with logical and critical reasoning skills to crack the decision making section of XAT.

Practice previous year’s XAT question paper -  Practice Decision Making questions from the previous year’s XAT question paper of the past 10 years.

Analyze the Situation -  While solving Decision Making questions, look for multiple stakeholders and analyze the situation from the point of view of each stakeholder.

Look at the questions -  Do not apply the method of elimination in this section. Look at the questions and options given holistically.

Keep this in mind -  In many Decision-Making questions, there is no correct option but the closest option that will be beneficial for all stakeholders in the given situation. So, keep this in mind.

Stick to critical thinking -  Do not allow your personal opinion to affect the selection of the right answer. Also, in many questions, opinions are presented as facts. Do not get swayed by the play of words that appeal to your emotions.

Solve sample questions -  All the Decision-Making questions are situation-based. Thus, practice a variety of sample questions to gain expertise in solving all types of questions.

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