How to write a perfect Essay for XAT?

XAT Essay Writing Test:  Key Features and changes The essay writing test in XAT is an online computer-based test. The key features and changes introduced by XLRI in XAT Essay Writing Test are 

The essay is evaluated only if you are shortlisted for the GD/ PI round and has a certain weightage in the calculation of the final merit and it varies from college to college. The essay Writing test in XAT is in the 2nd part of the XAT exam A maximum of 3 marks are awarded for the correct, coherent, and well-worded XAT Essay writing .

XAT Essay Writing: Evaluation Parameters -  The objective of giving broad essay topics is to evaluate the candidates on their ability to think logically and coherently.  

Structure of the Essay -  The examiner checks whether or not the essay flows logically from one paragraph to the other. Marks are deducted for illogically ordered ideas and poorly connected arguments.  

Knowledge -  While your subject-knowledge is tested in the other sections of the exam, this area checks whether you are aware of the ongoing debates in the public media and important events, personalities, laws, etc. 

Innovative Ideas -  As future managers, you will be expected to generate new ideas as a part of your job. Hence, evaluators expect your essay to be replete with innovative ideas. Mere repetition of experts' opinions is not recommended in the XAT essay. 

Attitude -  The evaluators deduct marks for any view that they perceive to be extremist, prejudiced, unreasonable, and unscientific. They expect a balanced view in the essay that reflects the rational mind of the writer. 

Grammar - This is very important in the XAT essay. Marks are deducted for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. 

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