Everything you need to know about GMAT Exam 

The GMAT exam is the premier business school admission test used to help thousands of graduate business programs make critical admissions decisions. The GMAT helps you prove your commitment to and eligibility for the MBA or business master’s degree you're applying.

Practice, Practise, and Practice wisely. Strategic practices improve your confidence and your ability to handle tough questions. 

Why does the GMAT matter? -  Business schools value the GMAT because it’s an indicator of a candidate's work ethic and readiness for a program. As a standardized test, the GMAT exam helps business schools compare candidates from different backgrounds and regions, which is why most schools favor the GMAT over other tests. 

How does the GMAT work? -  GMAT questions are based on the mathematic concepts and English-language skills you would have learned in high school. For example, you may be required to use arithmetic, elementary algebra, and geometry as part of the test.  

Quantitative Reasoning -  The GMAT quant section determines mathematical ability and numerical literacy. This section of the exam tests your ability to reason, solve problems and interpret data.  

Verbal Reasoning -  GMAT verbal evaluates reading comprehension, editing abilities, and critical reasoning. You will be assessed on your ability to comprehend and draw inferences from written material, evaluate arguments, and make corrections to conform to standard written English. 

Integrated Reasoning -  This tests candidates' ability to read and interpret data in multiple formats, including table analysis and graphic interpretation. This part of the GMAT exam is designed to mimic today’s business world that demands managers synthesize data from multiple sources to identify patterns, make decisions and solve business problems. 

What is computer-adaptive testing -  The GMAT is more than just a computerized version of a written test, it is computer adaptive. This means it automatically adapts the question you see in the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections based on a real-time assessment of your performance as you are taking the test. 

How long does it take to prepare for the GMAT? -  According to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the owner and administrator of the GMAT, candidates who score between 600 and 690 spend 80 hours preparing for the GMAT, while candidates who score over 700 study for a minimum of 90 hours. 

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