7 useful tips for MICAT Creative Writing 

Essay Writing: - This question asks students to write on topics that are directly or indirectly based on daily happenings and issues. The topics usually refer to current affairs and social issues. Sometimes, the topic may be a combination of two or three issues as well. 

Story Writing: - This question usually asks the candidate to form a story based on a given set of images. The story writing question tests your creativity. Now there is no specific method to prepare for it but reading creative short stories.  

Arguments (in favor & against): -   In this question, one has to give merits (points in favor) and demerits (points against) on the given topic. The question usually asks students to write 5 points for each part. Again, the only way to prepare for this is to have awareness about recent and current issues. 

First and foremost Essay Writing -  This has been common across the years and has seen various topics basis on current and social awareness. MICA wants to test your communication style and skill, so rather than focus on something that will just make you enlist the facts. 

Second, is story writing, where you are given a set of pictures -  You have to connect the pictures and curate a story that is creative yet exclusive. It’s simple but requires a creative bend than can give you an edge over the others. 

The third part of this section is the arguments -  Here, a topic will be given and you will have to write a certain fixed number of arguments for (as well as) against the given topic. Then you’ll have to conclude while taking one assertive side where being neutral doesn’t fetch you any marks.  

Analytical thinking skills -  The purpose of the latter two exercises is to see how you think or analyze. There’s no better way to strengthen it than to know yourself and your surrounding. Be well aware of what is happening around you and you stand a  chance to ace it. 

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