Why is Student Accommodation Better Than Homestay?

What is Homestay? Homestay is an accommodation option offered to international students who wish to spend their time abroad living with host families. It is more common among students who are studying a short or medium length course. 

Homestay Vs Student Accommodation

Homestays differ a lot from normal student accommodation; however, if you are looking for the perks, PBSAs have more perks than homestays with the extra touch of complete independence.

How is Student Accommodation Better Than Homestay?


1. You Get More Independence

One of the best things about studying abroad is experiencing independence for the first time. However, if you choose to live in a homestay program, you’ll be giving that part away. Living with a host family means you’ll depend on them for food, laundry, groceries, and cleaning.

2. You Get More Privacy 

One of the best things about studying abroad is experiencing independence for the first time. However, if you choose to live in a homestay program, you’ll be giving that part away. Living with a host family means you’ll depend on them for food, laundry, groceries, and cleaning.

3. You Can Meet More Students in a PBSA 

One of the main perks of studying abroad is meeting new people from all over the world, living in a homestay program limits your access and interaction with other students as opposed to student accommodation where you’ll be surrounded by students your age 

4. You’ll Experience A Better Social Life

Not living on-campus or at least close to it causes you to miss out on a lot of activities and events that make university life memorable. 

5. They Have Ideal Locations 

Another perk that student accommodation has as opposed to homestay programs is their ideal locations. Student accommodation options are usually located within a short walking distance to campus or at least a short ride away by public transportation. 

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