How to Find the Best MBA Extracurriculars in 2022 

Why Are MBA Extracurriculars Important for Your Application? -  Your extracurriculars come in handy when applying to MBA programs and your grades happen to be on the lower end of the cutoff.

Identify impact -  There’s also no doubt that some activities carry more weight than others, but often it’s about the positioning. Demonstrate why what you did matters.

Tips for Finding and Choosing the Best MBA Extracurriculars -

Consider the Extracurriculars Offered in an MBA Program -  One tip for how to find the best MBA extracurriculars is to identify those that are offered by the program and school to which you’re applying.

Choose based on genuine interest -  Another important factor to consider when you’re developing your list of options is to only choose extracurriculars that you are genuinely interested in.

Prioritize leadership in your choice -  Leadership doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be the one organizing or speaking to and directing a group of people, it can mean a variety of different things depending on the context.

Targeted extra-curricular courses that will help you develop relevant qualities -  While the most important part of having extracurriculars is to show a strong depth of engagement to an admissions committee, you should also be able to demonstrate the results of that engagement.

Choose extra-curricular courses for which you can quantify the results and qualify -  This is especially true for volunteering or charity work that you might have on your application. You want to be able to state how much money you raised or how many people you helped through the program you were working on.

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