How to Answer Tricky MBA Interview Questions 

What is your biggest weakness? -  The key to answering this question is to know that the interviewer is trying to find out whether you have done some introspection on your own personality, Show humility and self-awareness when answering.

Tell me about an experience when you tasted failure? -  You are fully prepared to answer a question about your successes, but you don’t normally expect a question about your failures.

Describe how you worked with a bad manager? -   While answering the question, you need to keep at bay any bitterness from your experience with a poor manager and try to show that you are capable of being empathetic with and sensitive to others.

Explain a conflict at work and the role that you played?  -  The interviewer is trying to test your emotional intelligence and what picture of your company and colleagues you give others.

Can you describe an ethical dilemma you faced at work? -  You should explain to the interviewer how you analyzed the situation and what action you took that shows not only that you want to score high on the moral scale but also that you handled the problem with tact and maturity.

What other schools are you applying to? -  You should honestly list the schools in your target list, explain why you chose them, and say why the school you are interviewing for is an excellent choice for particular reasons that you also need to explain.

Do you have any questions for me? -  This is the time to turn the tables on the interviewer, as it were. Use the opportunity to clear your doubts and curiosity. But select your questions wisely.

What concerns do you have about getting an MBA? -  Getting an MBA involves spending time and money. Try to explain how the degree is a good fit for your long-term plans.

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