An address to a specific person. Find a specific contact at the financial aid office to direct your letter to, rather than a generic “Dear Sir or Madam”
A clear “ask” and a specific “why.” Ask the office to reconsider, then offer a clear-cut reason why you need more aid money.
Details of any special circumstances - Explain your situation in an open and honest way. If there’s been a financial change since you submitted the FAFSA, ask the office to adjust your cost of attendance based on your new circumstances.
An exact amount - Provide a real aid amount that would enable you to attend the school. If you need aid for specific things, like travel costs or supplies, be sure to name them. A competing offer, if you have one.
Next steps - Ask what the next stages are in the appeal process. More than one “thank you.” Open and close with gratitude. Thank the office for the financial aid you already got and for considering your appeal.
Be clear and succinct - Write no more than one page. Pay attention to grammar. Have someone else you trust read your letter before sending, it to check for any errors. Be careful of word choice and tone.
Contact the school’s financial aid office to find out about the appeals process. Find the best person to write the appeal letter to. Determine how much aid to ask for.
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