How To Choose The Best High School Courses For College Admissions
Meet the high school requirements - High schools have a list of required credits that must be taken in order to graduate. Most colleges require a high school diploma to enroll in any program that grants bachelor's degrees.
Take a balanced set of classes - Typically, a student should try to take courses each year in English, science, math, the social sciences, and foreign language.
Choose a smart range of college-prep courses - A student doesn’t need to take AP Everything to get into college, but course choice depends on the selectivity of the colleges a student wants to attend.
Know the admission guidelines for top choice colleges - It is best to research each school individually. Make sure your student meets any and all minimum requirements.
Pursue intellectual interests - It’s OK to take courses of personal interest like filmmaking or fashion, just make sure it is not at the expense of a schedule’s overall rigor.
Consider online and dual enrollment options - Be sure to check with your school prior to taking an online or dual enrollment class to confirm credit will be accepted.
Consult with teachers - Consult with the teacher, a high school counselor, and/or an expert college advisor from International College Counselors on what courses are most appropriate.
Do not catch Senioritis - Many admissions offices will check an applicant’s senior year program and performance before offering admission.
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