8 Strategies for Overcoming Math Anxiety

Be alert for early signs of math anxiety -  Awareness is the first step in curing math anxiety. By being aware of math anxiety and its symptoms, you can help a student overcome it.

Tackle common math myths head-on -  Once you’ve identified math anxiety in a student, begin by tackling the math myths that a student believes about himself or herself.

Foster a growth mindset -  One of the first truths your students must understand is the amazing ability of their own minds to develop an understanding and ability to perform in math.

Develop a new approach -  Research indicates that simple steps like these can help students identify their mental math phobia, reduce anxiety, and clear up the brain’s working memory to focus on the task at hand.

Show vs Tell -  The next step in the process is to conduct the math teaching process in new and fresh ways. Try to determine your student’s particular learning style and cater to his or her particular strengths and weaknesses.

Practice -  While you may see some immediate results from implementing the above steps, you likely won't see a student go from math anxiety to math champion overnight.

Reward success -  Each time you see a student comprehend something new or make a leap in their math understanding, it is essential to reward this achievement with words of affirmation and praise.

Keep the end goal in mind -  It is important to remember the end goal and the role that you play as an educator. So, don't lose sight of the end goal, and keep up the good work.

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