SAT Study Tips for English as Second Language Students

Translated Test Directions - These translated test directions are digital downloads that administrators will have printed for you on the day of the test.

Word-to-Word Glossaries -  This allows you to look up unknown words while you’re testing, to ensure that you fully understand what a question is asking, or what an answer choice is saying.

50% Extended Time -  ESL students can request that their test time be extended by 50%. All extended-time requests need to be submitted no less than four weeks before testing.

SAT Study Tips for English as Second Language Students -

Create a study plan -  Staying organized will keep your stress levels down and you’ll be able to focus on the content you’re studying.

Improve your grammar - Mastering the grammar rules that are commonly tested on the SAT will help you better prepare yourself for understanding the content in the Reading and Language portions of the test.

Focus on your weaknesses -  Make a mental note of which areas you feel the least confident about. These should be the concepts and skills you work on the most in the weeks leading up to your SAT test day.

Keep track of your progress -  This is a helpful motivational tool for those days when you feel like you're not getting anything right.

Take plenty of practice tests - Using practice tests, like the official ones offered by the SAT or Porosity's full-length SAT practice tests, helps you become familiar with the test’s format.

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