Seven Ways to Prevent Summer Learning Loss 

Summer is an ideal time for students of all ages to strengthen their academic skills while still having plenty of time left over for summer activities. 

Make Time for Learning -  A great way to track how much reading your child is doing during the summer months is a tally on your regular activities calendar. 

Learn and Practice Affixes -  Children and teens of all grade levels can improve their reading and spelling skills by learning affixes. 

Develop Math Skills -  Though it may not seem fun to them at the time, working on just three to four math problems per day during the summer can prevent students' mathematical skills from getting rusty. 

Improve Reading Comprehension -  To help your children better understand what they're reading, consider offering them a reading comprehension workbook to work on for several minutes daily. 

Review and Build Grammar Skills -  Review the past grade level's grammar concepts, and begin to work on the next school year's concepts. During the summer, students benefit from weekly reviews or pre-learning two to four lessons. 

Encourage Creative Writing -  Creative writing is a great way to improve your children's written language skills while giving them a fun and imaginative activity during the summer. 

Focus on Specific Skills -  Pinpoint the subject your child has the most trouble learning the previous school year, and make sure to fit in some practice in these areas. 

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