How to Handle the GATE 2022 Exam Pressure  

Do’s & Don’t For The Day Before Any Examination

NOTHING NEW –  There is one important rule for running a marathon not to do it in new shoes. The logic of ‘nothing new’ in sporting events can be extended to studies as well. If you have not studied a topic yet, don’t study it on the eve of the examination. That will only increase the stress.

REVISION OF HARD TOPICS–  There are always some topics/tables/diagrams/charts etc., which no matter how much you study always give you that incomplete feeling. This is the time to give a final check on those topics. Do only that much which is possible within that time. Don’t overstress.

REST WELL–  Many people think that sacrificing sleep is the best way to use their study time so that they can study more. But a study shows that the best way we consolidate new information is by getting sufficient rest.   

HEALTHY EATING–  These are small things that go unnoticed. You should eat healthy, with a nice mix of good carbs, proteins, and fats. It would probably be best to avoid a massive carb as that will make you sleepy, especially on the morning of the exam.

SOLVE QUESTIONS –  Solve questions at the end of the chapter, especially the mathematical ones, or the aptitude questions. Go through the formulas and the sample sums that you have solved previously.

GO OFFLINE -  Switch off your phones the day before your exam. Whatsapp, Facebook, Do's & Don't Before Exams and other social networking will distract you. You need to concentrate on your studies completely.

GROUP STUDY–  If you have someone or a group of friends who is/are in the serious study then you can revise your topics through a discussion with them. Each can explain a different topic and the other will listen.

SMART WORK IS BETTER THAN HARD WORK –  It is not how many hours you sit with your books, rather you need to measure the amount of focused study you’re doing. Avoid the distraction of the mind (switch off the TV or mobile phones), and set your time table in the early hours of the morning or late at night.

REJUVENATE YOURSELF –  Relax and take breaks during your hectic study timetable. Use this time to refresh yourself, take a walk, listen to some songs, or play a sport. It will help you stay focused and feel fresh.

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