In Your Career?

How To Get A Grant Early 

Are you nervous about early grant funding applications for a bright research career ahead? Are you concerned about your insufficient experience or shortage of preparatory information in your present field of study? This article is presenting you with a few tips and hacks to make it easy.

Early Grant Guidelines 

Every bit of experience you have in your academic life is appended in your resumé or curriculum vitae and each one is influenced by the other. Hence, your bachelor’s experience will become a stepping stone for your Master's.

Why should one start applying at the earliest? 

In some cases, few supervisors advise you to write an early grant for funding a postdoc due to the expensive equipment, reagents, and supplies. Even if that is not the case, it is good practice to do so

Pre-doctoral grants 

Moreover, few PIs or Primary Investigators approve of funded postdoctoral aspirants alone. Whereas the other primary investigators insist their postdoctoral students submit applications for grants during their academic period.

Postdoctoral grants 

Are you worried about the inadequate amount of preliminary information? This is possibly an issue we all face during grant applications. Always bear in mind that if you already have the complete data required for the project

Application with less preliminary information? 

Contact the in-charge person at the agency to double-check the website information like the page length and to introduce yourself. Certain aspects of the grant might have altered lately

Keep in touch with the funding agency 

With so much competency and difficulty in the biomedical science world to obtain funding, you should trade your scientific projects to the reviewers of grants at the agency for funding.

Always write convincingly 

If you are declined for a grant application, go through the comments provided by the reviewers and then keep your grant away in a drawer for some time in order to cool yourself from the rejection.

Apply several times even if you get rejected 

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