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8 Tips on How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Start Early -  The sooner you start exploring scholarship opportunities, the more time you’ll have to get organized.

Learn About the Organization - Whatever institution is sponsoring the award, take a few minutes to review its mission, “about” page, and other relevant information.

Find a Topic You’re Interested In -  When reviewing potential awards, organize your list by the ones that must align with your interests.

Read Those Directions -  Pay particular attention to the essay rules, and stick to the requested word count, prompt and other instructions.

Use a Great Hook -  If you're unsure about what a good hook looks like, take time to read sample scholarship essays and not what you like about them.

Get Personal -  Giving specific examples of how the award relates to your life is more impactful than simply explaining why you deserve to win.

Be Positive -  Try to leave the reader feeling hopeful about your future by staying positive throughout your essay, even if you’re talking about hard topics or feelings.

Get a Second Look -  After you’ve written and revised your essay, it’s still not done. Ask a friend or relative to give your essay a second look.

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