6 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Class Participation 

Go to class early, make yourself comfortable and make some friends - This is a great way to make yourself comfortable in the classroom which is going to be helpful when you speak up in class. 

Pay attention to the professor and takes notes on what he is expecting from this class - This is one of the most important times of the semester. Listen carefully to what the professor wants.  

If anyone started raising their hands and asking questions, listen to what they asked and if you can remember their name - There will always be someone who is an extrovert and who wants to ask a lot of questions to the professor.  

Start to participate early and constantly - Either the first day or the next day, try to raise your hand and ask questions to the professor. If you are fear to ask questions, give a comment or answer the professor’s question.  

Talk to the professor after class, and visit during office hours - Before you know it, it is the end of the semester. So, it is always good to start talking to the professor after class if you have any questions. 

Send some news or some interesting articles to the professor’s email - You will stand out from the crowd if you send some emails to the professor about some news or something interesting related to the class. 

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