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8 Scholarship Tips You Should Know 

The early bird gets the worm -  Applying early for scholarships gives you an edge over other students that wait until the last minute. 

Organize -  Once you have an idea of where you will apply, keep a running list of deadlines, scholarship amount, and when you plan to actually apply. 

Don't overlook scholarships that offer smaller amounts or awards -  The more scholarships you apply for, the better your chances are of winning. Plus, every scholarship award alleviates any college expenses. 

You might have to write an essay -  Some students shy away from applying for scholarships that require an essay. 

Look past your grades -  Whether you are at the top of your class or not, it is important to remember any special talents or skills you have. Perhaps think about why you deserve that scholarship over everyone else. 

Quality over Quantity -  It's great to be able to send as many applications as you can before a deadline. Make sure you are proud of every application you turn in while being cautious of selling yourself short. 

Be patient -  Sometimes not hearing back from a scholarship opportunity can be frustrating. Try not to feel discouraged about your chances of winning. 

Understand the Terms of  Scholarships -  Be sure to carefully read the terms and notify your college financial aid office. When in doubt, check with the scholarship agency to find out if you can receive the scholarship for multiple years. 

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