10 Revision Techniques to Help You Ace A-Levels 

Be organized -  Plan out your revision by making a revision timetable. Be realistic when creating this timetable, to not cram too much revision into one day

Give yourself plenty of time -  The earlier you can start your revision, the better. You’ll be more prepared heading into your assessments and can spend more time studying the topics you find difficult.

Understand the assessment objectives -  Make sure you understand how you’ll be assessed and what questions might come up. This should dictate both what and how you study.

Try different learning methods -  If you typically learn best by reading and writing, try also verbalizing your revision out loud or teaching it to a friend.

Use different learning materials -  Watching documentaries or videos on the topics you’re trying to learn can be a new and engaging way to revise. Seek out articles, podcasts, and books on the topic too.

Practice past papers -  Past papers are a great indicator of what might come up in your assessment. Time yourself while doing them to see how you perform under test conditions.

Take breaks -  Taking breaks allows your brain to refresh and reset. This is particularly useful if you're finding a certain topic challenging.

Remove distraction -  Avoid having your phone with you while you study. The allure of social media, and other apps, can be too distracting.

Sleep -  Lack of sleep also impairs memory, making it hard to recall important ideas when it matters. Prioritize getting between 7 to 9 hours each night.

Be mindful of what you eat -  Fueling your brain and body with a balanced, nutritious diet will only benefit the effectiveness of your revision.

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